(your journey here)

United Planet Service Scholarships

As a non-profit with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time, United Planet is dedicated to building the global accessibility of our programs. We offer a wide range of scholarships to fulfill this vital commitment.

United Planet Gap Year Scholarship: United Planet offers gap year programs, among the longest-standing programs in the world, since 1949, in over 25 countries. United Planet is pleased to offer Gap Year Scholarships up to $1,000 towards any 6-month or one-year program.

United Planet Volunteer Scholarship: United Planet offers authentic, immersive, and personalized volunteer programs from 1 week to 16 weeks across the world. United Planet is pleased to offer Volunteer Abroad Scholarships up to $500 towards these short-term, mid-term, and virtual programs.

United Planet Internship Scholarship: United Planet offers internships in any program longer than 4 weeks. Interns can choose to receive university credit for their time abroad through Portland State University. United Planet is pleased to offer Internship Scholarships up to $500 towards any internship abroad program.

United Planet Virtual Volunteer and Virtual Internship Scholarship: United Planet offers virtual volunteer and virtual internships in 20+ countries for 1-6 months. Interns and volunteers can choose to receive university credit for their virtual quest through Portland State University. United Planet is pleased to offer Virtual Volunteer and Virtual Internship Scholarships up to $350 towards any virtual quest program.

We invite everyone to apply, whether you are currently a student, a working professional, or just really want to volunteer abroad! Applications for a United Planet Service Scholarship will be accepted until September 1.

“This volunteer experience changed everything about my perspective on life, everything about my goals, everything about everything.”
“The lessons I learned while in Ecuador is knowledge I will carry with me throughout my whole career and the rest of my life.”
“My experience made me realize that I am going into the right profession: teaching.”


  • Applicants must be first-time Quest participants.
  • The United Planet scholarship must be applied to an individual Gap Year, Volunteer Abroad, Intern Abroad or Virtual Quest program before the end of the current calendar year.
  • This scholarship may not be combined with any other scholarships offered by United Planet.
Have questions? We’re here for you. We’d love to help.