Environmental Volunteer Abroad

In the developing world, environmental challenges often take a back seat to seemingly more pressing social and economic development issues — but they are undoubtedly linked. Preserving the environment is necessary for improved quality of life and can even contribute to economic and social development.

United Planet is committed to a variety of environmental projects around the world. There are many environmental volunteer abroad opportunities for both short-term and long-term professional and non-professional volunteers to make a critical difference worldwide.

Group of UP Volunteers stand and smile in Ecuador

Why volunteer with United Planet?

United Planet Quests are designed to be immersive, authentic, comprehensive and provide you everything you’ll need to succeed. The program elements allow you to engage fully with a new culture, forge strong relationships, and challenge yourself. Most importantly, we partner with the community to ensure your experience will be important, relevant and helpful to the community you serve.

  • We are a mission-focused, non-profit organization
    We are all about service, making a difference, building a global community.
  • Our programs emphasize authenticity
    Get outside your bubble, jump into a real experience, become a global citizen.
  • We provide everything you need to succeed
    Classes, in-country travel, home stays, meals, work –we are your cultural bridge.
  • Your safety is our most important concern
    From one-on-one assistance before you travel to experienced staff in country, everything is done to ensure your safety and wellbeing.
  • (your journey here)
    Your Quest is personalized to provide the opportunity for genuine, meaningful personal growth.
  • What we do is meaningful
    Your experience will be important, relevant and helpful to the community you serve.

Current Environmental Volunteer Abroad Opportunities

conservation environmental quest

Conservation and Environmental Education

Conservation work includes maintaining trails and keeping an inventory of identified flora and fauna.  Environmental education initiatives in the local community include improving awareness of biodiversity and conservation methods.

Locations: Ecuador, Costa Rica

Sea Turtle Quest

Protecting Sea Turtles

United Planet works with partner organizations to protect endangered sea turtle populations all along Costa Rica’s coast.  Volunteers guard nests and assess the habitat for threats to sea turtle life, collect and relocate eggs, help construct hatcheries and educate tourists and the local community about the plight of these animals.

Locations: Costa Rica

Ecotourism Quest


Through ecotourism, Costa Rica is raising the standard of living of residents while protecting the environment. United Planet projects include reintroducing plants to deforested areas, farms that cultivate medicinal plants and animal rehabilitation centers. Ongoing research studies focus on animal health care, husbandry and biology.

Location: Costa Rica

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