(your journey here)

Volunteer in Ghana

Be prepared to celebrate as a volunteer in one of Africa’s most stable countries, known for lively festivals and hospitality. Ghana’s economic development is largely due to its export of gold, diamonds and cocoa (it is the second largest cocoa exporter in the world). Ghana is home to people from a vast array of backgrounds, and more than 250 languages are spoken across the country. Volunteers in Ghana will also find that Ghana has a rich history – it was a hub of the gold and slave trade dating back to the 15th century. Ghana’s climate is tropical and natural beauty abounds from sandy coasts to dense rainforests.

As a volunteer in Ghana, you’ll have the chance to immerse yourself in this bountiful culture. You can teach Ghana’s future leaders through school programs, build much-needed relationships with youth through orphanage partnerships, or help heal as part of our medical center or rural health care teams.

Volunteer Highlights

Fiona shared with us her volunteer trip in Ghana in 12 weeks through a One Second A Day video.

“After spending two months at the school, I began to become close to some of the students. My experience was very good because I felt completely immersed in the culture and was also able to create a lasting impact and relationship with the kids at the school.” – Fiona K.

Volunteer Testimonials

Ghana Volunteer Project Information

Healthcare - Ghana

Global Health Volunteer Projects

Recommended for premed, medical, dental, and nursing students and professionals. Volunteers in Ghana will work at a teaching hospital in the city of Ho or at a Community-Based Health Planning Services center in the rural village of Putubiw. Observation is the primary focus for students; however, depending on the skill level and knowledge of the volunteer, you may assist with basic tasks such as checking patients’ vitals, dressing wounds, removing stitches, and more. This Quest is a fantastic opportunity to learn how an international healthcare system functions.

Available Dates: Quests start the first and third Saturday of each month, year-round.
Minimum Stay: 2 weeks; 4 weeks highly recommended
Requirements: At least 18 years old, fluent in English, previous medical and international travel experience recommended

Male volunteer leans over and helps child with school work

Children and Education Volunteer Projects

Volunteers have the opportunity to work with children at a local child care center or teach subjects such as English, math, and science in local schools. Projects are located in the Volta Region of Ghana and no prior teaching experience is required.

Your Ghana Quest

Ghana country coordinator

Ghana Country Coordinator: Yaw Gyamfi. Yaw has studied at the Hotel Catering and Tourism Training Institute, the University of Ghana, and the SIT Graduate Institute in Vermont. He has also spent a number of years volunteering in different towns and villages in support of developmental projects in Ghana.

City tour of Accra, Ghana

During your orientation in Ghana, you’ll take a city tour of Accra, the nation’s capital. This is a great introduction to the country you’ll be living in for the next few weeks!

Language lesson, Ghana

While volunteering in Ghana with United Planet, you will participate in a language class during your country orientation to help you settle in to your new surroundings. You’ll be able to practice your new language skills with your host family and at your host project.

Monkey sanctuary, Ghana

During orientation, United Planet Ghana volunteers select a cultural excursion to participate in during their stay. Possibilities include a visit to a monkey sanctuary, a trip to Elmina Castle and Cape Coast, or a boat ride on the Volta River. Volunteers staying longer than a month may select two!

Host family in Ghana

Most volunteers in Ghana live with host families during their stay – this way, you’ll be completely immersed in the culture of the area. Many volunteers stay in touch with their host families long after their Quest is over.

Free Time in Ghana

National Park, Ghana

Visit the Kalakpa Resource Reserve: Make a day of visiting this game production reserve in Ho. You’ll have the chance to see buffaloes, bushbuck, kob antelopes, green monkeys, wildcats, water ducks and grass cutter ants.

National Park, Ghana

Explore Kyabobo National Park: Take some time to explore this unique national park in the foothills of Mt. Djebobo in Ghana’s Volta Region. The park is full of African wildlife and beautiful hiking trails and waterfalls.

Local market in Ghana

Visit Ghana’s local markets: Visiting local markets is one of the best ways to immerse in the culture of an area and meet interesting people. Strike up a conversation with one of the vendors in Ho – you might learn something new!

Dish of banku and fish in Ghana

Try banku: Challenge your taste buds while in Ghana! Banku is a fermented corn or cassava dough served as a whitish paste. It is delicious with soup, or in pepper sauce with fish.

Ghana in Photos

Check out the experiences of previous United Planet volunteers in Ghana.

Volunteer Voices

Stacie shared with us her experience volunteering in Ghana.

“This experience was incredible… really really amazing. Words don’t describe it actually! The medical quest was overall very enlightening and really makes you think about and appreciate working in the United States versus a third world country. Living and actively participating in the daily cultures and routines of Ghana has taught me innumerable life lessons. I wanted to go to on this Quest for work experience and to see a bit of the world I had never seen before, but came back with a whole lot more. This was a very rewarding experience, and one that I will never forget.”

Quick FAQs

Ghana Quests start the first and third Saturday of each month, year-round exept for the Teaching Quest. Teaching programs are closed late-July to mid-September, mid-December to mid-January, and mid-April to mid-May for school vacations. Please contact us if you have questions about specific program dates!

Volunteer can choose to stay from 2 weeks to 12 weeks but 4 weeks is highly recommended for Global Heath Projects.

The age requirement for Ghana Quest is at least 18 years old.

Volunteers should be fluent in English.

We ask that volunteers enroll at least 60 days prior to their anticipated departure date. This gives us enough time to schedule volunteer placements, coordinate in-country activities, and provide sufficient pre-departure training. If you are interested in enrolling for a program starting in less than 60 days, please contact us directly.

Quest Fees and Details

United Planet Quests are designed to be immersive, authentic, comprehensive and provide you everything you’ll need to succeed. The program elements allow you to engage fully with a new culture, forge strong relationships, and challenge yourself. Most importantly, we partner with the community to ensure your experience will be important, relevant and helpful to the community you serve.

Included in Your Quest Fee

  • Lodging at a local homestay or onsite at volunteer project
  • Three home-cooked meals per day
  • Language lesson during orientation
  • Cultural activities and excursions
  • Online pre-departure training with our Boston staff
  • In-country airport transportation
  • Emergency medical and travel insurance
  • 24/7 in-country support and supervision
  • A United Planet t-shirt

Health and Safety

United Planet provides emergency travel and medical insurance for all volunteers. All staff members participate in extensive health and safety training, and are available at all times by 24-hour phone line. Upon enrollment, you will receive a full emergency contact list. In addition, we register all of our volunteers with US Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). We recommend booking a doctor’s appointment or visiting a travel health clinic a few months out to update your vaccinations.  Read more about health and safety.

Transportation and Flights

Due to varying airline prices, United Planet does not arrange or cover the cost of flights to and from Ghana. However, we arrange all ground transportation to and from the airport in Ghana and will ensure that you arrive safely at your host house. You will either walk or take public or private transportation to your host project, both of which are very affordable. Daily commuting costs are covered by volunteers.

Quest Fee & Payment Plan

1 Week 10 Days 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks 9 Weeks 10 Weeks 11 Weeks 12 Weeks
$2790 $2935 $3135 $3585 $4310 $4785 $5385 $5830 $6170 $6630 $7065 $7500 $7935

About Our Quest Fee

We want you to succeed. That means having in place the support our volunteers need. We don’t just drop you in country and hope for the best. We provide training before you leave … language exposure … 24/7 in-country support … support for your host family … accommodations, meals and airport transportation … activities and excursions. The whole idea is to make the experience successful and productive for you and the host community, and we have found that these things are crucial. Remember that we are a non-profit, mission-driven organization – we wouldn’t spend money on something that wasn’t important.

*Payment Plan Details: A $300 deposit is due at the time of your enrollment to lock in your spot in our program. After your confirmation in a program, you can choose to pay the Quest Fee all at once or in installments. The total Quest Fee is due 4 weeks before your departure date.

Have questions? We’re here for you. We’d love to help.

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