Renowned as the land of the free, the United States holds a challenging, often spotlighted position in global affairs. Volunteer projects are based in our home, Boston, Massachusetts, which was the center of many of early America’s most revolutionary moments. Volunteers quickly fall in love with the charms of historic New England and delight in the region’s aura of civic duty and social responsibility. Spend your free time strolling through centuries-old streets, or soaking up the wealth of knowledge that abounds here – home to some of the most elite institutions of higher education in the world.
As a volunteer in the United States you will live with host families, which creates an intimate experience of sharing and learning in an authentic setting. Community service projects include working in food banks, teen empowerment programs, homeless shelters, and more. If you want to learn English as part of your trip, you can add a few hours of English classes for a more intensive learning experience.
Note: As our programs emphasize cultural exchange, volunteer projects in Boston are only available to those outside of North America.