Written by United Planet Team Member Ebony
There is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm hanging in the air during this time of year in Holland, especially amongst children. Mid-November usually marks the beginning of a celebration we Dutch call Sinterklaas or St. Nicholas. And Sinterklaas has arrived in Holland again!
By Flickr user van der Broek
According to tradition, he lives in Madrid, Spain and sails across the North Sea in his boat every year to pay the Dutch (and Flemish) children a visit. For several days, he arrives at different harbors along the coast to give as many children an opportunity to see him as possible. His arrival is usually followed by a joyous parade throughout the town. This year, he arrived in the harbor of Scheveningenon November 14th where many children were waiting for him, along with the HRH Prince of Orange, Willem-Alexander, his wife, Maxima, and their children.
It is said that Sinterklaas, along with his Zwarte Pieten, or Black Peters, helpers keep record of children’s behavior throughout the year in his book. He comes to Holland to give all the good children presents, and the bad children get chased by a Black Peter with a stick!
By Flickr user Pingu1963- very busy!
Traditionally, children put all their names in a hat at school, and get to pick another one out at the end of the day. They would have to prepare a gift and a humorous poem for the person who they picked for Sinterklaas day. It is the same idea as Secret Santa during Christmas, though the children usually make something which relates to the recipient’s hobby out of paper mache, and hide the gift in it, accompanied by a poem to hint who the gift was from. For example, one could have made a huge paper mache race car if the surprise gift is a toy car. Gifts are usually unwrapped together on December 5th and the poems are read out loud so that everyone can enjoy the impact of the surprise. Even though people might know who the gift is from after having heard/read the poem, the real giver is supposed to remain anonymous. Theoretically all presents come from Sinterklaas, so all the recipients usually say, “Thanks, Sinterklaas!” Originality and effort is valued more than the cost of the gift, which is one of the reasons why the holiday is so pleasant. In addition to exchanging gifts, the children play lots of games and eat traditional sweets and baked goods such as pepernoten, or large chocolate letters–usually the first initial of each person present. This tradition is also practiced amongst family members.
By Flickr user juffrouwjo
The official feast day is December 6th, when Sinterklaas visits lots of schools, churches, stores, restaurants, hospitals, and more. On St. Nicholas Eve (December 5th), also known as pakjesavond or Sinterklaasavond, which means package night or Sinterklaas night, it is said that Sinterklaas rides across Holland’s rooftops on his horse, “Schimmel,” with Black Peter, and they listen through the chimneys to check whether the children are good or bad. Children usually leave their clogs or shoes out to be filled with presents by the fireplace before they go to sleep, and some carrots and hay to thank Schimmel for his gift. They all know that while they are asleep Black Peter jumps down the chimney to exchange what they left for a small gift or some candy. They might even hear a knock on the door and find a bag full of presents awaiting!
To cover the simultaneous visits of Sinterklaas across the country which children often find suspicious, children are told that he gets help from hulp-Sinterklazen, which means “Help St. Nicolases,” who are dressed just like him, because of course he cannot be in two places at the same time.
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