At the elementary school with the teachers from Boston; they’ll be doing English immersion with the best and brightest students… Here’s the deal: teachers are WONDERFUL. It’s so easy to say, Teachers are our Heroes, and then begrudge them what they need to do their jobs. But they are so dedicated, and smart, and giving: and now these teachers are giving even more.
The families are gathered in a nervous, laughing, curious clump near the gates to the school. The teachers are lugging suitcases full of supplies.
Dr. Amara, the man with the plan who pulled it all together, is connecting the directora Beatriz with the English teacher Mariana with Pablo’s sister Marta with Jorge, a 7th grade teacher…
It’s a day to assess the kids’ English, learn their names, tap their personalities.
The kids line up: green uniforms, humming with excitement and curiosity.
In the classroom: Tina, the science teacher, gathers them into a clump and sits them down; starts by asking them their name, their age.
Right away, we know the class clown, Daniel. The bright bulb, Fabrizio. The huggy Michele. It’s a class like every class all over the world.
Sue and Alison begin the process of assessing their English: they sing a song in English (accompanied by the nice singing man on the computer), have the kids repeat over and over. They show them the globe, have them pass it around to say their names. They cover the days of the week, the months, numbers. Both teachers are kind, careful, and charismatic. The kids begin to relax and respond.
They pass out a sheet to have them fill in the parts of the body. So nervous! Mariana the English teacher, who’s with us all week, steps in to reassure them, to remind them what they know. They are respectful, bright, and very affectionate.
Then out to the courtyard for more English, and good dose of running around. Andrea, the Phys Ed teacher, uses dots and colors and bean bags, to reinforce their colors, to get them running. She gets them moving and laughing and engaged. The kids have a vibe of physical robustness that’s striking: they seem lithe, energetic, shiny.
Then snack time! The parents have come out in force to welcome the teachers. We have sandwiches, coffee; the kids are still bubbling with the novelty of being in the culinary classroom, the parents are watching. It’s a kind of treat, this summer camp, for the kids who scored highest.
Pat gathers them to read the Peace book: peace in many languages. Alison uses the globe to point out each country. Pat has an electric smile, and exudes a warmth that the kids immediately recognize.
Then Tina pulls out her magic kit – electricity kits for the Steady Hand Game. The kids don’t know what’s coming, but they go step by step, patient, careful. We have enough helpers for each group of four; it’s many steps. Tina has a voice that calls attention and conveys the science so clearly – it’s fascinating to watch her get them thinking about electricity in their houses.
Eventually, we do the magic: hook up the battery and see the red LED bulb light up! Then the game: pass the ring over the wire without touching and lighting it up. The kids practice, practice.
Then we all have lunch: delicious plates of chicken, rice, salad. The teachers have raised enough money to provide lunch to all the kids. See? They’re awesome.
Finally, finally, after all this – everyone gets to go home.
And yet: and then! The director has invited us to a meeting at 6pm. So the teachers return, even though they’re tired and frazzled. But the meeting… turns out to be… a fiesta!
A fiesta with a DJ and awesome music; with the dance teacher who’s led them to win prizes for the school; with a variety of tamales; with canelazo, a delicious warm ciderish drink with 100 proof alcohol… The teachers bring down the house dancing, laughing, eating, drinking. The dancers want to see American dance, so Andrea does both Irish step dancing, and some amazing break dance moves. And we do the electric slide.
The directora tells us many indigenous legends, and tells us about her school, the history, the building, the hopes for the children. She is very special – more on her later.
Finally, then, they take us back to the hostel.
A good day.
P.S. I’m having tremendous technological trouble right here right now. Please check our flickr site for LOADS more photos! Please!
United Planet is a non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. Established in 2001, United Planet offers volunteer abroad, virtual internships, internships abroad, gap year volunteering, and global virtual exchange in more than 40 countries.
United Planet is an international non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. We connect people who want to make a difference in communities across the world through overseas volunteer travel programs, global virtual internships & volunteering, and project-based virtual exchange programs. With opportunities in more than 40 countries, you will learn, teach, work, engage and immerse yourself in a culture outside your comfort zone. For many, volunteering abroad is the most fulfilling experience of their lives!
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