Kathleen, a business woman from New York, shares her personal experiences while volunteering with United Planet with the tight-knit community at an orphanage in Romania.
“The children were incredible. So inspiring and welcoming. I felt my trip was a vacation for my soul.”
Kathleen, a New York professional in communications was apprehensive about her upcoming volunteer trip to work at an orphanage in Romania. Her trip was scheduled for the Thanksgiving holiday season, a time typically enjoyed with family and old friends.
Beautiful Scenery in Romania
Yet, in pursuit of helping children and families in need, Kathleen took the risk and ventured across the globe to a new culture and a new language with an open mind and heart.
Kathleen never expected to find herself so welcomed and integrated into the extended and tight-knit community in Romania.
“It really is like a big family; such a community-minded group of people,” Kathleen explains.
Kathleen’s main responsibilities during her time there included caring for the 8-12 children in day care ages two to three years old while their mothers worked in the kitchens and fields. When the teenage girls returned from school, Kathleen would help them with their English homework.
Kathleen spent most of her time playing with the kids!
Kathleen found the language barrier a challenge, but started to pick up words and phrases after a few days in Romania. While her interactions were demanding, the locals were always patient with her.
Kathleen left Romania incredibly touched by the orphanage’s teamwork and unique bond. The orphanage functions like one massive family, sharing all responsibilities, from feeding a hungry baby to disciplining a fresh teenager.
Looking back, Kathleen’s time in Romania brought her tranquility and wisdom. “Far removed from my day to day life in New York City,” Kathleen shares, “I could focus on others and leave every worry behind.”
Kathleen felt like part of the family!
Not only was she able to make a difference with the families in Romania, she made a difference in herself.
In her post-trip survey, Kathleen concludes, introspectively, “the clarity, perspective and maturity I gained over my one week stint is noticeable, by others and by most importantly me.”
As many of you may know, the orphanage in Romania is still recovering from a fire in December 2011. Our volunteers have donated over $3,000 to help re-build the orphanage. Their efforts speak to the incredible international and long-term family which this community in Romania fosters. If you’re interested in volunteering in Romania, please contact us at United Planet.
United Planet is a non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. Established in 2001, United Planet offers volunteer abroad, virtual internships, internships abroad, gap year volunteering, and global virtual exchange in more than 40 countries.
United Planet is an international non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. We connect people who want to make a difference in communities across the world through overseas volunteer travel programs, global virtual internships & volunteering, and project-based virtual exchange programs. With opportunities in more than 40 countries, you will learn, teach, work, engage and immerse yourself in a culture outside your comfort zone. For many, volunteering abroad is the most fulfilling experience of their lives!
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