Our international programs manager, Callie, presented on the benefits of virtual volunteering, and here are the bite-sized pieces for you to consider volunteering online.
Pic credit: Thought Catalog
You’ll be in constant contact with in-country coordinators that will guide you along the way giving you unique exposure to local organizations abroad and develop cross-cultural understanding.
Pic credit: Sergio Souza on Unsplash
Acquire the ability to collaborate with international teams and learn from local employees about the struggles, practice the language, and know the culture.
By volunteering online, you’ll gain literacy, learning, and life skills to allow you to adapt, improve, learn, and discern facts—to help you focus and develop on certain personal or professional qualities.
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash
With summer plans canceled and you’re stuck at home, everyone is looking at ways to spice up their resumes. Also, utilize this opportunity in a more productive way that you’re still gaining access to work and internship experiences to learn new skills.
As this volunteering opportunity is entirely online, it forces you to get away from the normal structure. You’ll have to ruminate and come up with out of the box innovation to help the organization drive social impact.
United Planet is a non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. Established in 2001, United Planet offers volunteer abroad, virtual internships, internships abroad, gap year volunteering, and global virtual exchange in more than 40 countries.
United Planet is an international non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. We connect people who want to make a difference in communities across the world through overseas volunteer travel programs, global virtual internships & volunteering, and project-based virtual exchange programs. With opportunities in more than 40 countries, you will learn, teach, work, engage and immerse yourself in a culture outside your comfort zone. For many, volunteering abroad is the most fulfilling experience of their lives!
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