A Virtual internship is definitely on our minds, with Coronavirus still at our doorsteps, is it worth it? It’s a common question. While you’re considering the options, we hope that through our virtual intern’s experience you can answer it for yourself. Cooper Loveless worked with an organization in Costa Rica for a global health project. As we know, the virtual world can’t replace the real one, but thanks to technology it manages to resemble it. Likewise, it allows us to communicate with people from around the world without traveling. Which means that you can continue studying, working or doing any other activity, while you’re at home. That’s how Cooper, a high school sophomore student, tells us how he decided to do a virtual internship with United Planet.
Cooper tells us that he loves to serve the community and it was very difficult for him to choose which internship project to work with because of the various options he was given by Elissa, our international programs manager. So, he chose a project that would help discover himself and his future endeavors. Cooper was already thinking about two career options– medicine and physics–and because of his experience, he has decided to become a doctor. “This internship was very meaningful for me and exceeded my expectations. I created ties of friendship with those in charge of the organization in Costa Rica and with more interns from around the world” he said.
Find out more about projects: Virtual Volunteering and Virtual internship countries
Before he started his global health project, he decided to address the needs of the Costa Rica community. Cooper did an arduous research and he discovered that lung cancer was prevalent in Costa Rica’s population. He proposed disease prevention campaigns. “The idea was to create flyers, so patients will see their doctors if they have a lot of risk factors and are experiencing prolonged symptoms related to lung cancer”, Cooper explains. He also managed to translate his research effectively in Spanish with Sam’s help, the organization’s host, “one of the best people I have ever met” he expressed. Through this work, Cooper expanded his knowledge of medical terminology in Spanish. After it, would you say a virtual internship is worth it?
Spanish flyers about lung cancer by Cooper Loveless
“At the end of my virtual internship I felt so many emotions; I thought that I would never talk to these amazing people. However, I soon realized that it wasn’t the case. I still talk to the people who run the organization and the other volunteers” Cooper shared. Beyond the internship, he learned a lot about Costa Rica’s culture and he’s ready to visit in the future. Cooper learned about their food, traditional costumes, music and in general, their day-to-day life. While we chatted, he couldn’t stop smiling as he reminisces about his time volunteering online.
Find out more: Clarissa Volunteered Online To Achieve Her Career Goals
The biggest impact that I was able to have was to hopefully save someone’s life. My virtual experience changed my perspective on a lot of different things. It changed my outlook on healthcare overall and sparked my passion for equality and equity. The amazing thing about working with United Planet is that they do all of the hard work for you. As soon as you sign up, your trip coordinator will match you with the perfect organization and ensure that your experience is flawless.
You get to experience a new culture and help different communities that you would never be able to find on your own without United Planet. All of the different organizations allow you to meet new people and create inseparable bonds that can’t be quantified. From a service prospective, you always have so many different things to do that are genuinely fun. I was paired with the perfect organization for me, the work felt so fun and flew by. If you are thinking about joining the United Planet family, I would undoubtedly recommend it to you.
– Cooper Loveless
An example of the work you can do in a virtual internship
Now, what do you think? Is a virtual internship worth it?
Contact us and let’s create a global community!
United Planet is a non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. Established in 2001, United Planet offers volunteer abroad, virtual internships, internships abroad, gap year volunteering, and global virtual exchange in more than 40 countries.
United Planet is an international non-profit organization with a mission to create a global community, one relationship at a time. We connect people who want to make a difference in communities across the world through overseas volunteer travel programs, global virtual internships & volunteering, and project-based virtual exchange programs. With opportunities in more than 40 countries, you will learn, teach, work, engage and immerse yourself in a culture outside your comfort zone. For many, volunteering abroad is the most fulfilling experience of their lives!
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